Confession : The thing is, I am very lazy. If you needed further evidence of my guilt than this confession just look at the date of the previous post. Long ago it was. Laziness is just how I am. I'm not a morning person and I hate expending energy needlessly. I'm just plain lazy. I'm not bragging, just being honest. I wish I wasn't- I could get so much done if I wasn't -but alas we all have to work with what we were given.
I am so lazy I even invented a game in which the laziest person wins. It is called Lazy Chicken. I "invented" it one lazy summer afternoon as I was sitting in the family room with my parents. My dad had an article I wanted to read but he was on the other side of the room. I told him to bring it to me, he said to come and get it and we stared each other down until one of us out lazied the other and the loser (me) got tired of it and got up and crossed the room. Thus Lazy Chicken was born.
Beauty experts usually have a list of commandments for good skin care. These are things like "wear sunscreen", "drink lots of water" and so on. One that is always on the list, no matter the expert, is "take off your make-up/wash your face before bed". Excellent advice. Not only does it keep your face nice and clear it prevents you from getting mascara all over your pillow cases. But sometimes this good advice comes in direct conflict with my previous confession. Late at night when you're tired and inclined to laziness it can be hard to get thorough your skin regime, particularly if it has multiple steps.
Then I discovered facial towelettes. Pre-moistened disposable God-sends. I'm currently using Boot's No. 7 4 in 1 Quick Thinking Wipes but in the past I have used Garnier Skin Naturals Complete Cleansing Cloths as well. The products are comparable but I like that the Boot's No. 7 4 in 1 Quick Thinking Wipes firmly re-shuts so that the last ones in the pack don't dry out before you get to them.
Yes, I know they're not the most environmentally friendly products out there. They're basically the disposable diapers of the beauty world. But they're so convenient and I'm so lazy. It's indulgent but isn't all beauty indulgent at its core? It's about making you feel good about yourself, no matter how environmentally friendly a product is or isn't. So it would take a lot of effort on someone else's part to get me to loosen my grip on my towelettes. Oh what am I saying, I'm too lazy to put up that much resistance!
Bethenny Frankel is still at the beach
8 years ago